Inner Michael » B. Kaufmann

Author Archives: B. Kaufmann

The Revolution Continues- are you a warrior?

I wrote an article for HP that wasn’t published about beating up on yet another corpse—when Whitney Houston died. I wrote that Nelson Mandela’s release from prison came about as a result of Houston’s philanthropy. The dialogue she opened in her staged concerts for freedom in South Africa eventually led to Mandela’s release. Nobody wanted […]

On 9-11… to build a new “ground zero”

This kind of says it all, doesn’t it? The photo was taken at the 9-11 Memorial in New York City that commemorates those lost in the North and South towers of the World Trade Center… ….at what was once “ground zero.” The image is of one person remembering someone loved and lost. Imagine mulitplying the […]

Beyond Diana The Revolution

The treatment of royals by the media speaks for itself as traditionally shameful and brutal. You’ll remember how “Fergie” was first beloved then vilified and later ridiculed and gutted in brash red headlines. She was a newlywed whose husband was off serving his country and away from home. She was left behind to navigate the […]

Remembering Diana

I always thought the moniker “Lady Di” was a bit disrespectful. As it sprang from the tongue, it always felt a little too flippant or familiar for a royal; too intimate for someone admired at a distance but not an intimate friend. But that is how people saw her… the “people’s princess” was a friend […]

A Life Celebrated… A King Remembered

An exclusive for Inner Michael from WMS…   If you want to watch in HD (High Definition) go to: Walking Moon Studios Vimeo Channel at  

Moonwalkers Who Stop the World

The frst moonwalker died yesterday.   The first moonwalk: “One small step…”       On full moon nights you will find me dancing through a meadow or on a path through the woods without a flashlight. That’s my own version of the moonwalk. There is something about that blue gossamer light that fills and […]

The Gift in the Mean Wind

The truly creative mind in any field is no more than this: A human creature born abnormally, inhumanly sensitive. To him a touch is a blow, a sound is a noise, a misfortune is a tragedy, a joy is an ecstasy, a friend is a lover, a lover is a god, and failure is death. […]

World Humanitarian Day

Today is world humanitarian day– a very special day and Inner Michael would like to honor and commend all Humanitarians around the world who work in the service of humanity. Michael Jackson fans know one humanitarian in particular who went unrecognized despite being in plain sight. There are millions of everyday people making extraordinary differences in […]

Humming Fire blinded by the light.

I was watching a video of Michael Jackson today when he was so young and so popular and setting the world on fire. Green fire. Deep fire. In the film he looks not only pleased to be doing what he loves and was born to do, but with an expression of delighted surprise and just pure, well… […]

Civility, Firestorm and Distraction

Inner Michael: What and Why Inner Michael was intended to be a research exploration into the phenomenon of “the Michael Jackson factor.” It also became a touchpoint for those mourning the loss of someone whom they had come to love who confounded a world that didn’t have enough light and depth to understand and appreciate […]