Inner Michael » B. Kaufmann

Author Archives: B. Kaufmann

If you Build It They Will Come

There is a field… It’s not green or golden or made of a meadow, hilside or riverbank. It is a field of energy– sparkling, effervescent, life-giving (not death-dealing,) magnanimous, warm, embracing, supportive, inclusive, radiant…. energy. It’s not visible but you can feel it and you know when you’re there. It’s a place where children play […]

The Jackson “Family Feud:” made for TV media

How coincidental that as we discuss the media and how it distorts information toward a particular slant that will bring attention and profits, that the “Jackson family feud” and “Katherine Jackson is missing” currently occupies the media. Now they are reporting she is “found.” Some have weighed in and I too was asked “what do […]

A moment of light with that silence, please.

All I heard was “gunman opened fire in a Colorado theater.” It was just enough to cause cold chills and an involuntary clenching of the teeth. A subterrenean moan surfaced from somewhere way, way deep: “Oh God, not again. Jesus, where’s the remote?” I listened for a few minutes and called my daughter… in Colorado. […]

If Not a Scream, Then What?

Fans began this journey since Michael’s passing with sadness, loss and trauma. It was as if something that could not be named or identified was ripped from the fabric of reality. It wasn’t just fans who felt it; everybody felt it. Much of the loss was unconscious– nobody had the answer to what they were feeling or […]

If it Makes you Wanna Scream…

I wanted to talk about consciousness, tribal thinking and unexamined assumptions and we will; but before we can do that well, we should take a look at something that happened last week. It needs addressing. It has come up before and this week lots of people wrote to ask what can be done about the […]

Don’t you wombat scream?

The world wasn’t ready for Michael. It wasn’t ready for his message. the world was not ready for the Jacksons because it was not ready for integration or equality of the races. And it certainly was not ready for a black superstar who was sexy and mesmerizing to young white female audiences. The white teens of […]

2300 Jackson Street

Twenty Three Hundred Jackson Street     In Gary Indiana, on August 29, 1958 a special child carrying a lot of light to the planet was born in humble beginnings. On June 25, 2009, that special light went out. Now, 3 years after the moment the virtual world stood still and people were streaming into the […]

Dreaming the World

Dreaming is a faculty of the imagination. It is also a faculty in service to human health and happiness. It is the way we create our reality and our world. Before something can exist it must be dreamed. When the dream is clear, we can dream the thing into existence. We design a schematic or […]

The Eagle, the Condor, the Michael

There is an ancient prophesy in the indigenous cultures of the planet about a time in man’s history (humankind) when a great change will come to the earth. The Maya recorded it; the Hopi recorded it; in fact a version of it can be found in the writings of the indigenous tribes everywhere. The great […]

The Moon isn’t the only thing rising

The letters came… and came… once again, and I realized that it’s entirely possible that something dormant lives in the psyche of the Western Woman and that maybe it’s time for it to awaken. His Holiness is a wise, wise man; he may  be right– the Western Woman may be the face of destiny– of this […]